What we Do

Neighborhood Fundamentals, LLC was founded in 2017 by Michael A. Spotts with a mission to conduct applied housing policy research. This website also highlights Michael’s personal and professional perspectives on housing and community development issues.

From 2017-December 2022, Neighborhood Fundamentals, LLC provided research and technical assistance to public, private and nonprofit institutions on issues related to housing affordability, community and economic development, equitable transit-oriented development, and affirmatively furthering fair housing.

We work with a range of organizations and institutions, including (but not limited to):

  • Municipalities/units of local government

  • State agencies

  • Developers

  • Financial institutions and philanthropy

  • Community organizations


Neighborhoods, cities, and regions thrive when people from all walks of life can afford stable housing with access to economic opportunity. Healthy communities include a range of housing choices, which requires a focus on both income as well as the needs of households at different stages of life. Too often, policy and financial interventions focus on addressing the symptoms of housing market dysfunction, without addressing the root causes. Lasting change can only be achieved by a focus on fundamentals – removing the underlying barriers to housing affordability and economic opportunity and building strong systems and tools to address previous and on-going challenges.  

While the specific approach needed to achieve these goals varies by geography, several broad principles apply in most contexts:

  • A community will not be broadly affordable to the general public unless the housing market is operating efficiently, allowing the supply of housing (both in number and type) to respond to demand;

  • A robust policy and subsidy framework is required to address housing needs that are not being met by the market;

  • Housing-related issues should be addressed in full context, considering factors inherently tied to “place” such as connectivity, infrastructure, health and environmental sustainability.

  • Proactive efforts are often necessary to address the historical legacies of de jure and de facto discrimination by race and/or socioeconomic status.

  • Long-term success of any reform or intervention requires a sound policy framework and a sustainable fiscal position.